Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I promise I was never a slacker...

I can't believe the last time I posted was in May...I don't know what happened. Life I guess, and me being lazy. I never used to be that way. In school I was always go go go go go! But since I've graduated (it's been a year!) I've felt less rushed to get things done... which I think is good, considering my four hectic years of undergrad, but its taken its toll on this poor blog. I kept pushing posting back, and back, to the point where I just stopped. This blog was created as an outlet and its time for me to step up and utilize it.

So were do I begin? Well, since May, the biggest changes have included being in one of my best friend's wedding and moving into an adorable studio. I've now been employed for 8 straight months (success!). I also turned 24...that one isn't so exciting. But,  I think its going to be a good year. I gave myself a 24 birthday resolution, and that is to embrace all that Chicago has to offer. My plan is to attend more shows, more plays, more independent film, more bars, more restaurants. You get where I'm going here. I'm hoping to document some of these experiences. I hope it inspires you to take advantage of what your city or town has to offer.
