Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Iron and Wine- Epic Fail


If you have lost your voice, can you sing? This is a simple question, with one answer. NO. So why, on God's green Earth, would Sam Beam decide to sing in front of a sold out crowd with no voice? What I had been lead to believe would be a phenomenal and earth-shaking experience was destroyed by the lack of Iron and Wine's, one and ONLY, front man's ability to hit any note. Seriously? I'm sorry, but apologizing when you get onstage to the audience ahead of time that you've lost your voice so "please bare with me" is unacceptable. I will not forgive you. I have paid you money. Money to hear you sing. And I can't. Because your mic had been turned down so low the other instruments drown out your voice. For a reason. BECAUSE YOU'VE LOST YOUR FUCKING VOICE! That means you reschedule the show or give a refund. You don't fucking stand on stage and tell you audience that you're 'sorry'. Fuck you! That sounds like your damn problem, not mine! Maybe you should learn how to take care of your voice, since, I dunno, its your craft, your trade, your tool. Without it, you are just a man with a guitar.

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